Check out this if you're having trouble keeping track of architecture terms:
Items you need to focus on from the chapter:
Book of Kells
Lindisfarne Gospels
Eboo Gospels (specifically Page with Matthew the Evangelist)
Saint Gall
Borgund Stave Church
Doors of Bishop Bernward
Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Church of Sant Vincenc
Pisa Complex
Durham Cathedral
Bayeux Embroidery
Last Judgement from the West Portal of the Cathedral of St. Lazare
Major Themes:
Vikings & Oseberg Ship (use of wood)
"animal style"
Stone instead of use of wood in building
illuminated manuscripts
church sculpture
* Medieval period introduced central plan churches. Art was associated with the Roman Empire and showed great Christian influence. Christianity moved to the British Isles during this time.
* Romanesque cathedrals are short and HUGE, thick walls, small windows, use vaulted ceilings to hold up roof, dark inside. Their design allowed for the movement of pilgrims with the introduction of ambulatories.
Below is a page from your book explaining the Doors of Bishop Bernward. Take a look at it!
Items you need to focus on from the chapter:
Book of Kells
Lindisfarne Gospels
Eboo Gospels (specifically Page with Matthew the Evangelist)
Saint Gall
Borgund Stave Church
Doors of Bishop Bernward
Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Church of Sant Vincenc
Pisa Complex
Durham Cathedral
Bayeux Embroidery
Last Judgement from the West Portal of the Cathedral of St. Lazare
Major Themes:
Vikings & Oseberg Ship (use of wood)
"animal style"
Stone instead of use of wood in building
illuminated manuscripts
church sculpture
* Medieval period introduced central plan churches. Art was associated with the Roman Empire and showed great Christian influence. Christianity moved to the British Isles during this time.
* Romanesque cathedrals are short and HUGE, thick walls, small windows, use vaulted ceilings to hold up roof, dark inside. Their design allowed for the movement of pilgrims with the introduction of ambulatories.
Below is a page from your book explaining the Doors of Bishop Bernward. Take a look at it!