I just wanted to say that I am SO SO very proud of all of you for the hard work and dedication you have given to our AP art history class this year! I know there have been bumps in the road, but you have stepped up and OWNED it and I cannot be more proud of such an accomplished group of scholars! You are going to "slay" it tomorrow (thanks Anthony for the new word haha) and I cannot wait to hear how it went! I don't see you on Friday, but come see me and tell me how it went! Good luck and remember to get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast!!
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Amity’s 11th annual Advanced Placement Picnic will serve personal sized pizzas. All Students who have taken a 2015 AP exam and all staff are welcome.
Date: Thursday May 14th in front of the athletic house. Rain Date: Friday May 15th same place / same time Reminders for the students who are able to attend: · Students attending will eat at their regular lunch wave and each lunch wave will run about ten minutes past their scheduled time. Regular lunch wave times are: A Lunch = 11:45 – 12:13 B Lunch = 12:17 – 12:45 C Lunch = 12:48 – 1:16 · All students should have their student IDs (or other form of ID) with them. I've posted a new page with your review power points. If you have them and haven't sent it to me - please do and I'll post it!
ALSO take a look at the review I made for you (it took me a very long time…) Its posted on a blog post from earlier this week as a PDF. Oh and STUDY! I'll be staying after school next week for anyone who would like to review. So… your test is in 1 week… internship starts soon…. and most of you haven't done the last two homework assignments on quiz star!!!
I need to put grades in before you go on internship - and in order for you to not have to come back for a final exam in June - you need to have a cumulative grade higher than an 83 (some of you do not…) so GET THESE ASSIGNMENTS IN!!! Also - Your final exam grade is your review presentation. I do not think at this point we will have time to review the essays you wrote, so I will post commentary on them so you can evaluate your own work - but I'd like to CHECK that you've done this assignment (pick the 4 long essays…) next Tuesday. Otherwise - STUDY STUDY STUDY… :) Well Folks… we have 5 classes left before your AP Exam… you've been assigned chapters to review (posted at the end of March) and here is the breakdown for presentations the rest of this week:
Tomorrow 4/29 (C-day): Pat: Chapters 1,2,3 Diana: Chapters 4,5,6 Noah: Chapters 7,8,14 Thursday 4/30 (D-Day): Linda: Chapters 15,16 Anthony: Chapter 17 Jacob: Chapters 18,19 Friday 5/1 (A-Day): Naomi: Chapters 20,21 Care: Chapters 22,29 Kahari: Chapter 30 Cae: Chapters 31,32 NEXT WEEK: Tuesday 5/5 (C-Day) Review Long Essay Questions & Multiple Choice questions from 2014 & Chapters 31/32 (handouts) Wednesday 5/6 (D-Day) Wrap up odds and ends for review - breakout groups for independent study THURSDAY - YOUR EXAM: Begins at 11:40 AM in room 282 (Math Lab) Make sure you get sleep the night before and come in well rested and relaxed… I am CONFIDENT in you that you will do GREAT on this test! :) I put up HW#11 on quizstar - its 9 short answer (from the last two chapters).
MOST of you have not done HW#10 yet - so you MUST complete these both - these will be on Q4 (so you must complete them!). I will give you a multiple choice only quiz on the last two chapters for over the weekend. Everyone - I am SO SO SO proud of you for a great trip to the Met yesterday. I am honored to be your teacher of Art History and thank you all for being so great on the train, the subway, the walk to the Met and in the museum. I was proud of the questions you asked on your tour, and am confident that you all will be very successful on the AP exam if you study (which I know you will!!!)
Don't forget - the lecture at yale art gallery starts at 5:30 tonight (I will not be able to attend) but if you attend I'll give you an extra 100 point test grade extra credit. I will also give you extra credit if you attend any art museum, gallery or exhibit over April break if you bring me your ticket or receipt. :) The more art you look at, the more you will remember stuff... Speaking of studying - here is a fantastic page to help you brush up on major characteristics of each period: http://totallyhistory.com/art-history/ Here is the latest info from Quizstar: ALL BELOW WILL EXPIRE THIS FRIDAY 4/10 - If they are not complete, they will be a zero.
HW#9: Care Chapter 29 (18th Century) Test: Cae Jacob Noah Linda Homework #10: EVERYONE Paper Test for Ch30 - I'll take until Friday 4/10 then I will no longer take it. It will be a ZERO if you've not handed it in.
Here is a review sheet (blank) for you to fill in if you wish. You can review in any number of ways, but use of flashcards is best! You should have a GREAT set at this point if you've kept your cards, and kept them organized.
So we have a lot to cover in very little time and writing and review as well before you take the exam. Here is the way I propose we finish... Tuesday 3/30- 19th Century Test to take home and hand in on Monday 4/6 Monday 4/6 we start Modern Art (CH 31) Friday 4/10- Modern test Friday 4/17- last test (Int scene CH 32) take home Over April Break: you will have four 30-min long essays to write. You will choose 4 out of 8 prompts.. You will have to outline all of them, but only actually write 4 of them. You will also have a section of review to make and when we return you will have to present it to the class. More on this later. We are down to the wire. Plan on having some good conversation on the bus on Wed and also on the trip to the Met! Hello Everyone,
We need 3 more students to enroll to do the tour. If we don't have this - we have to cancel the tour. :( If you have friends who are 11 or 12 grade and who are responsible and will be able to attend, please tell them to enroll on MyPaymentsPlus and see me for a permission slip ASAP. Payment closes on 3/30 so they need to act fast. :) Mrs. V Click on the image above to read more!
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